Hello Robert. great article. Thank you for your deep insights.

Maybe you have heard of Rudolf Steiner? He professed that the trinitarian principal of threefoldness is necessary for an understanding of the true nature of the human being, as well as the basis for forming human culture.

One of the contributions to his work of spiritual science was the modeling of society and culture on threefoldedness to mirror the spiritual reality of the Triune nature of God- the Holy Trinity as you showed in that beautiful image.

He developed a model for a “threefold social order”- an image of the stable triangle at work in balancing our need for individual freedom, collective economic development, and cultural and religious expression. Each of these three aspects of human life have their own intrinsic nature that balance and support each other.

Steiner explains that the human soul itself is threefold. We have our thinking capacity, our feeling nature, and the active expression of our will. These soul faculties are reflected in Steiner’s threefold social order. 1) Thinking- applied to economic activity and the use of the resources of the earth to generate prosperity, 2) feeling- the realm of arts and religious activity, and 3) will- the power to create and our intention to express ourselves in the outer world.

Steiner made distinctions between three aspects of society- 1) economic activity, which should be based on fraternity and brotherhood so everyone can live. 2) The cultural realm which includes the arts, education, philosophy, and religious life where equality and justice prevail. 3) Liberty- the the sovereignty of the free individual.

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Thank you for sharing this! I have indeed heard of Rudolf Steiner and am familiar with his thought, though only through secondary sources. I've never studied his writings directly. I was not aware of his theories on the trinitarian nature of the individual and of society, but I see much wisdom in the ideas that you've described.

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Continuing to play off of the "media" theme, here is the great Media Vita In Morte Sumus --


The Latin tradition at its finest!

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Thanks for sharing this, it's a very fine rendition. "In the midst of life we are in death"—that's one of those phrases that stays with you.

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This was great--especially to know the meaning of the name you chose.

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This post clearly explains why modern man is so confused and in such turmoil. Well said. I will be reflecting on this post for quite a while. Thank you, Mr Keim.

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You're welcome, Father, thank you for reading and commenting.

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